Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pears and Apples

I did not plant a garden this year. I am simply not good at it. There are many reasons I fail so miserably as a gardener. First of all if it gets over 75 degrees outside I need to be a) in a lake or b) somewhere with air conditioning. If it's not the heat, I can blame the mosquito's and flies for my dislike of the outdoors in summer. I won't even bore you with my life long issue of starting things and never finishing them. It's not popular to admit you do not like summer. Most people will think you are crazy, especially considering we get so little of it here in Northwestern Wisconsin. Give me that perfect 65 degree day and you will find me happily outside. All of this makes for a very unsuccessful gardener. I do however have some fruit trees that I can count on that don't require my attention. Nothing is required of me but patience for the fruit to appear and ripen. If only gardens were so easy going! So what to do with the lovely apples and pears I will soon be able to harvest? A pear and apple crisp? Perhaps a gratin or a rustic salad. I have a few more weeks to think about it.'s 65 degrees and sunny. I'm going outside.

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